5 effective ways to build innovative teams in the workplace

Innovation has become an integral part of business success. Companies that engage in fostering innovation often lead the market and stay one step ahead of the competition. But how can this be achieved? It all starts with people – creating innovative teams. Below, we outline five proven ways to achieve this goal.

Recruit diverse talents

To achieve a high level of innovation in teams, diversity is key. Employees with different cultural, educational, and professional backgrounds bring various perspectives that can lead to new ideas and solutions. Aim to build teams with people who have different skills and experiences.

Why is diversity important for innovation?

  • Broader range of ideas: People from different backgrounds and cultures have different ways of thinking and problem-solving, leading to more unique ideas and proposals in diverse teams.
  • Different experiences, different approaches: Each person brings individual life and professional experiences that can translate into innovative business ideas.
  • Avoiding groupthink: Homogeneous teams are at risk of thinking and acting similarly, which can stifle innovation. Diversity counteracts this by promoting varied viewpoints and healthy competition of ideas.
  • Understanding the global market: In the era of globalization, companies need to be aware of the needs and expectations of diverse customer groups. Teams that reflect this diversity are better positioned to understand and meet these needs.
  • Developing intercultural skills: Working in a diverse environment helps employees learn to communicate and collaborate with people from different cultural backgrounds, which enhances global cooperation in the long run.

To fully leverage the potential of diversity, it’s important to create a culture of inclusivity within the company. This means ensuring that every employee, regardless of their background, gender, age, or beliefs, feels valued, heard, and engaged. Only when diversity goes hand in hand with inclusivity can the highest level of innovation be achieved in teams.

Implement employee engagement tools

Creating a truly innovative team is not just about diversity or technical skills. At the heart of every innovative organization is employee engagement. When employees feel engaged, they are more likely to experiment, take risks, and share their ideas. This also impacts employee productivity. How can tools for measuring and enhancing engagement influence innovation?

  • Regular surveys: These allow employees to express their views on their work experiences, helping management better understand what drives or hinders innovation in the team. The information gathered can then be used to make necessary changes.
  • Quick feedback tools: These enable employees to provide immediate feedback and share ideas. This helps organizations quickly identify and respond to new opportunities or challenges.
  • Digital tools: Communication platforms and project management software facilitate smoother collaboration in teams, allowing real-time exchange of information and ideas.
  • Regular training and workshops: These encourage employees to continuously develop and learn new skills. They also promote a culture of innovation by teaching methodologies and tools that foster creative thinking.
  • Investing in employee benefits: Personal development programs, access to the latest technologies, and flexible working hours can increase employee loyalty and engagement. Feeling appreciated makes employees more likely to share their innovative ideas.

Build a culture of openness and risk-taking

When we think of innovation, we often associate it with breakthrough products or services that achieve great market success. However, the reality of innovation is much more complex and involves many trials and errors. To fully tap into innovation potential, organizations need to cultivate a culture that embraces and even celebrates risk and failure as key components of the innovation process.

Understanding the nature of innovation

  • Innovation as a process: It’s important that everyone in the organization understands that innovation is a process, not a one-time event. This process often involves mistakes that lead to improvements and ultimately to success.

Support from leaders

  • Encouraging experimentation: When leaders encourage teams to experiment and try new things, it creates an atmosphere of trust. Employees feel they can act boldly without fearing consequences.

Treating mistakes as learning opportunities

  • Learning from errors: In a culture where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities, employees are more likely to analyze what went wrong instead of hiding mistakes or blaming others. This creates an environment conducive to continuous improvement.

Celebrating risk

  • Acknowledging bold efforts: Praising and appreciating employees not only for successes but also for taking bold risks can lead to greater innovation in teams. This means recognizing efforts even if they don’t always lead to the desired result.

Regular reflection and retrospection

  • Continuous improvement: Organizing regular meetings where teams can discuss what went well and what can be improved helps identify areas needing attention and encourages ongoing development.

Building mental resilience

  • Developing resilience: Helping employees develop resilience to failure is crucial. Training on stress management and emotional regulation can be invaluable in high-pressure innovation environments.

Provide benefits that support innovation

It is often said that innovation in a company results from costly investments in technology or resources. While significant investments can help, the essence of innovation lies in the company’s culture and approach to work. Therefore, even small changes in daily practices can bring substantial benefits.

Flexible working hours

  • Increased satisfaction and motivation: Offering flexible working hours can improve job satisfaction and motivation, allowing employees to better align with their needs and daily rhythms, which enhances productivity and creativity.

Investing in employee education

  • Affordable education options: Free online courses, workshops led by experienced employees, or participation in webinars can significantly increase the knowledge and skills of the team without requiring large financial investments.

Providing modern tools

  • Enhancing effectiveness: Providing employees with modern tools, such as project management software or collaboration platforms, can boost their efficiency and improve team dynamics. These tools help organize work and streamline communication.

Creating creative spaces

  • Stimulating creativity: Providing spaces where employees can work quietly, discuss ideas, or relax can stimulate creativity. This could include quiet rooms, relaxation corners, or even outdoor areas.

Promoting a culture of idea-sharing

  • Encouraging open communication: Fostering a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions can lead to unexpected benefits. This can result in new, innovative ideas and solutions.

Invest in training and development

When talking about innovation in teams, it’s important to understand that it is not an innate trait but a competency that can be developed. Necessary for this development are the right environment, tools, and support.

Up-to-date tools and platforms

  • Access to current technology: Providing teams with access to up-to-date tools and platforms that facilitate collaboration, data analysis, or prototyping is essential. Investment in modern technology not only optimizes processes but also creates space for creativity and experimentation.

Training and workshops

  • Learning innovative thinking: Training sessions and workshops not only impart knowledge about the latest trends and techniques but also teach how to think innovatively, work in interdisciplinary teams, and use methodologies like design thinking. Regular training helps employees feel more confident and ready to tackle challenges.

Creating a culture of feedback and collaboration

  • Encouraging idea exchange: A culture open to feedback and collaboration fosters the exchange of thoughts and ideas. When employees feel their thoughts are valued, the likelihood of innovation increases.

Ultimately, for innovation to become an integral part of a company's DNA, leadership must lead by example, promoting values related to continuous learning, adaptation, and readiness for change. When leaders demonstrate openness to new ideas and invest in team development, the entire organization is more likely to follow suit.


Creating innovative teams in the workplace is an ongoing process that requires commitment at many levels. It includes not only recruiting the right people but also supporting their development, providing the right tools, and fostering an inclusive culture. Remember, innovation in teams starts with people. Take care of them, invest in their development, and the results will follow.



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