Does employee appreciation work? Stay updated with Nais Insights and Nais surveys in action.

In discussions about employee appreciation, many objections arise, ranging from questions of whether it is truly beneficial, to concerns about responsibility, and doubts about its effectiveness. Today, I would like to address the latter topic. Instead of succumbing to stereotypes that view appreciation as merely a fun team interaction, it's important to examine the phenomenon carefully. This applies not only to appreciation but also to the use of applications like Nais and assessing employee interest and engagement within the application itself.

First, check the baseline

Do you already know this? Do people in your team feel appreciated? Is this topic important to them? What are they missing in this area? Do they declare that they feel engaged in their work? If you conduct regular engagement and satisfaction surveys, you will know. If not, it’s worth starting. This requires maturity and courage, as unsatisfactory results will necessitate taking a stance and implementing actions. The sooner you start, the sooner you can respond and make changes based on facts.

Use Nais to gauge effectiveness

In Nais, you can initiate a pulse check survey to quickly gauge "what’s happening." If you prefer, you can use the eNPS survey and its deeper analysis. Repeating these surveys will allow you to continuously monitor changes, including those related to appreciation.

Ways to show appreciation with Nais

Nais allows appreciation in several ways:

  • Direct Manager Appreciation: A manager can convey appreciation to an employee using the appropriate language of appreciation tailored to the employee.
  • Peer-to-Peer Recognition: Employees can recognize each other’s efforts—this can be serious or lighthearted.
  • Employee-to-Manager Appreciation: Employees can thank their manager, as managers also need their work to be appreciated.
  • Organizational Appreciation: The company or CEO can publicly acknowledge that appreciation is a valued and supported topic within the organization.

Measure the impact

Before the appreciation culture spreads in your team using the Nais application, it’s important to determine how to measure its effectiveness. You can rely on what people say or what you assume, but it’s better to base decisions on facts. We help define KPIs related to appreciation culture and develop them as the organization adopts good practices. Once you know what to track, you can use Nais Insights—this module allows you to analyze manager and employee activity in this area continuously.

Analyze employee engagement

With Nais Insights, you can monitor:

  • How many people are actively participating in appreciation efforts.
  • How well company values are reflected in the reasons employees are appreciated.
  • The level of manager activity in appreciation.
  • Differences in appreciation practices between men and women in your team.
  • The effectiveness of pulse checks or eNPS surveys in detecting changes in team dynamics.

Track and adapt

Working on a culture of appreciation is a long-term task, taking months and years. It’s worth equipping yourself with data from the start and basing your decisions on them. At Nais, knowledge is available online. You can also monitor employee engagement within the application, beyond just appreciation. You will have data on how many employees have accepted the invitation to participate in the program, how many have received funding from the social fund, and how many have been rewarded from other budgets. You will see the average amount of funding and rewards and track how employees spend their resources in the marketplace—whether they use them immediately or save for larger purchases. You can also see what types of offers and benefits are popular in your team. Companies often expect a wide range of offers, but employees usually choose just 10-15. Understanding the top 5 offers in your company and how it evolves over time is also available in Nais Insights and can be used to plan other team initiatives.

Consolidate everything in one application

With Nais, you can consolidate benefits cafeteria, appreciation and rewards, challenges (not just sports), and psychological support—all contributing to how employees feel in the company. Regularly check their engagement through pulse checks and eNPS surveys.

We invite you to use Nais for a better workplace.



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