Does employee appreciation work? Stay up to date with Nais Insights and active Nais research.
Appreciating employees — why is it important and how to measure its effectiveness?
In conversations about employee appreciation, various doubts arise - from questions about its real benefits, to questions of responsibility, to doubts about effectiveness. Today I would like to focus on this last issue. Instead of succumbing to stereotypes that treat appreciation exclusively as a pleasant interaction in a team, it is worth taking a close look at this phenomenon. This applies not only to the act of appreciation itself, but also to the use of applications such as Nais and the evaluation of the interest and commitment of employees in using it.
1. Start by determining the current state
Do you know the situation in your team?
- Do your employees feel appreciated?
- Is the topic of appreciation important to them?
- What are they missing in this area?
- Do they declare commitment to their work?
If you regularly conduct engagement and satisfaction surveys, you will know the answers to these questions. If not, it is worth starting. This requires maturity and courage, as unsatisfactory results will require corrective action. The earlier you start, the faster you will be able to make fact-based changes.
2. Use Nais to evaluate effectiveness
With the help of Nais you can carry out rapid pulse teststo find out “what's going on” in your team. You can also take advantage of the ENPs study, which offers a deeper analysis. Regular repetition of these studies will allow monitoring of changes, also in the area of appreciation.
3. Ways to appreciate with Nais
The Nais application allows different forms Appreciation:
- Appreciation by the manager: Managers can express appreciation to employees using appropriate appreciation language tailored to their needs.
- Appreciation between employees: Employees can appreciate each other's efforts — both seriously and in a more relaxed way.
- Appreciation of managers by employees: Managers also need their work to be appreciated.
- Appreciation by the organization: A company or CEO can publicly emphasize that appreciation is an important element of organizational culture.
4. Measure the impact of appreciation
Before a culture of appreciation develops in your team with the Nais app, it is worth considering how to measure its effectiveness. Decisions can be based on employee opinions or your own assumptions, but it is better to be based on facts. At Nais, we define KPIs related to a culture of appreciation and help develop them as best practices are implemented.
Examples of indicators:
- The activity of managers in the area of appreciation.
- The number of employees actively participating in the appraisal.
- Reflection of the value of the company in the reasons why employees are valued.
- Gender-specific differences in team appreciation practices.
- Effectiveness of pulse studies or eNPs in identifying changes in team dynamics.
5. Track and adjust activities
Working on a culture of appreciation is a long-term task that takes months or even years. It is worth basing on data from the beginning and monitoring it with tools such as Nais Insights. Thanks to this, you will be able to adjust the activities on an ongoing basis.
6. Consolidate everything in one app
Nais allows the integration of various functions such as the cafeteria of benefits, appreciation and reward, challenges (not only sports) or psychological support. Thanks to this, you can comprehensively take care of the comfort of employees in the company. Regular engagement surveys, such as pulse surveys or ENPs, will provide current information on the level of satisfaction and commitment of the team.