Helping pets in Nais - reap the benefits
We celebrated World Animal Day this year with the Catch the Home Foundation, to which you can donate money in our Nais app.
October is the month in which we are more concerned and pay attention to the fate of our smaller brothers. Not all pets are lucky enough to have a warm home and feed on time. Many of them: dogs and kittens are looking for homes. Fortunately, he finds a lot.
In Nais, in the category “Help others” we have, among others, the ZłaP Dom foundation, which takes care of pets. And he is looking for good “adoptive parents” for them. There are currently 19 dogs and six cats in the care of the foundation.
“We want adoption to be a thoughtful, responsible decision — says Karolina Ziółkowska from the ZłaP Dom foundation. — You have to fill out a pre-adoption survey with us, get to know the pet. We then go and get to know the house to which it is supposed to go. At the end we sign the contract. It may happen that the process is lengthened if the puppy needs socialization. Then he gets to know the potential house and owners longer.
How did it all start?
“My love for animals was instilled in me by my parents who rescued animals and took them home. Since I was a child, I knew it was necessary to help the younger brothers. When I grew up, I went to a shelter and became a volunteer. And that's how it all started, Caroline recalls. And she adds that as a volunteer she could not be as effective as she is now, when she has a foundation that gives more opportunities to help and support animals.
Today she knows that not only enthusiasm and strength, but also experience helps her in action. He believes that what he does makes sense. — We have faith in people without whom we will not realize our ideas. We know what we want and what we can do. We know how to help homeless animals. We know how hard work awaits us. We know the feeling of powerlessness and we are aware that we will not save all the animals in need, but we remember how many have already been saved. We don't waste time, we don't have the patience for inaction, we have difficulty accepting those who don't like animals — says Karolina.
And he adds: “We need you without support and without help we will not be able to do it.
At this time, the most necessary thing is money for the maintenance of wards and payment of invoices. Good quality wet and dry food will be useful, such as Brit Care, Noteci Valley, Rocco, Rinti, or Animonda.
You will also need: pads, leashes, collars, toys for puppies, as well as remedies for fleas and ticks.
Foundation activists are also asking for advertising and marketing support. If someone could support them in this area, then the pets will probably find their homes faster.
We at Nais — also believe that helping animals is nais. Therefore, representatives of Nais on the occasion of World Animal Day brought: wet food, blanket, pads, leashes, bowls, toys. In addition, some employees have deposited money into the account of the ZłaP Dom foundation in Nais.
Users of the Nais platform also transfer the money they receive from the company, or support the pets themselves and deposit private money.
Money for ZłaP Dom can also be deposited:
ZłaP Dom Foundation
Street. Spindle 11 m 7, 01-951 Warsaw, KRS: 0000641106, REGON: 365607363, NIP: 1182130937
Account number: 14175000120000000034954674
For transfers from abroad:
IBAN:PL 14175000120000000034954674
PayPal: Fundacja@zlapdom.pl
Contact: Carolina: 501 000 814