Is agreement a dream? Millennials and their bosses on the same page

What can be done to understand each other and get along? Understanding each other is often necessary, while liking each other is simply worthwhile. The author of the book emphasizes that the responsibility for achieving mutual understanding lies with the managers, which is fair given their responsibility for the business.

The book is based on extensive research examining how both sides view their relationship. What millennials see as a need for rewards and recognition is often perceived by their managers as entitlement, a desire for attention—self-focus and egoism, informal language (a value of the generation)—irritating manners, simplicity in handling matters seen as shortsightedness, and the search for meaning viewed as a lack of interest in what is important to managers.

It is essential to recognize these differences in perception and treatment of the world. However, the author does not absolve young employees of responsibility and effort. The book highlights generational differences, stereotypes, and also addresses the need for understanding from the youngest generation.

Work differs from the family environment in which young people were raised. Yes, it is a generalization, but these individuals were raised in conditions of parental acceptance, constant praise, and positive reinforcement. This is the first generation of parents who are (yes, still are) intensely focused on their children. They ensure that their children have a sense of self-worth, nurture their successes, emphasize and develop their strengths, and create a self-image in young people: we are great, we can do anything! They protect them from failure.

A young person starts working and—bam! It’s no longer as comfortable. To improve the situation, they must also deal with stereotypes about the older generation—about their managers. If they understand how their manager perceives their way of expressing themselves, constant expectations for feedback and rewards, desire for success and meaning, they will make significant progress toward understanding.

And understanding, even if it seems like just a dream for many today, has a good chance of becoming a reality!



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