Stress-free working environment - how to achieve?

Stress does not spare anyone, regardless of education and position. Is it possible to cope with it? Of course it is! Vivus, a company regularly awarded for its employee-friendly work environment, organized a workshop: How to deal with stress?

The workshop was part of Vivus Good Energy Days. Employees did not just learn to deal with stress during them. They had a choice of interesting lectures on healthy lifestyles, massages, exercise classes and mindfulness exercises. The workshop was held at the company's headquarters, with our active participation. This is not Vivus' first pro-health campaign. On a daily basis, it offers employees fresh fruit, seasonal snacks and provides access to a wide range of benefits through the Nais cafeteria system. Such actions pay off — every employee satisfaction survey ranks Vivus among the best employers in Poland.
Monika Gilewska, representative of the HR department at Vivus, believes that such actions are necessary: — As in any large company, our employees spend a lot of time at their desks. Often without being aware that even not very intense exercise performed during work can have a beneficial effect on our health, he says. He adds: “The cooperation with Nais in the construction of the benefits platform turned out to be a hit — our employees like to have a choice of benefits they receive from the company. We were all the more eager to cooperate on the occasion of Vivus Days of Good Energy. They allowed us not only to relax, but to learn a lot about the workings of our organisms.

With Nais stress not as terrible as they paint it!

At Nais, the cafeteria system is one of the modules through which we support the personnel policy of companies. We help build the image of the employer, facilitate HR processes, and give employees the freedom to choose benefits. They have it all in a mobile app on their phone — where the center of life for many of us moves today. An innovative cafeteria is one that is as friendly and simple as possible to use.

You can read here: How the Nais cafeteria works

Since Vivus employees have been using the cafeteria module for a year now, we were happy to offer Vivus cooperation during their event. We offered workshops of one of our partners — psychologist, certified therapist of short-term therapy, expert in stress psychology — Monika Rzońca. During a meeting of several hours, she told the listeners what stress is and demonstrated several techniques that make it easier to keep it under control. In her opinion, stress in the right dose is the engine for action and success.

Monika Gilewska, Vivus
The cooperation with Nais in the construction of the benefit platform turned out to be a hit. Our employees like to have a choice of the benefits they receive from the company

Stress can be good because it is a sign that the body is preparing to fight. I'm talking about this good stress, triggering dopamine and allowing you to overcome adversity. But, of course, there is also bad stress, which makes it difficult for us to function and leads to the secretion of cortisol - called the stress hormone - said Rzońca.
And she suggested a few ways you can deal with stress.
Each of us should have an arsenal of ways to deal with stress, and they will be different for everyone. They allow us to return to balance after dealing with stress. It can be playing sports, hobbies, going to a “safe place” in your mind, or even setting aside time and space to worry — in an organized way. I often suggest this technique to my patients — setting aside 15 minutes a day to worry — in one specific place — will make us worry much less for the rest of the day — said Monika Rzońca.
The participants enjoyed the workshop with a treat prepared by one of our partners — Agata Dembowiak. Especially for Vivus employees, she made artisan sweets in several flavors, in colors and shapes referring to the company's logo.