Employee volunteering: A way to engage employees?

In the current job market situation, where unemployment in Poland is at its lowest in 25 years (GUS data for March), attracting and motivating employees has become a significant challenge. Companies are seeking innovative solutions, but sometimes it is worth paying attention to proven practices that already deliver positive results.

Employee volunteering as a motivational tool

Role and benefits of employee volunteering

Employee volunteering, although commonly practiced in large corporations, remains underutilized in many small and medium-sized enterprises. Employee participation in volunteer activities can offer numerous benefits for both employees and the organization.

Improvement in employee self-esteem and well-being

Engaging in volunteering allows employees to step away from their daily tasks and participate in activities aimed at helping those in need. Such experiences not only boost self-esteem but also positively impact employees' overall well-being.

Enhancing employer brand

Employers who engage in community service gain favor in the eyes of their employees. Such an employer demonstrates concern for more than just financial results and cares about social welfare. This translates into increased loyalty and engagement from the team.

Building relationships and atmosphere within the company

Employee volunteering fosters better team relationships. Employees have the opportunity to get to know each other from a different perspective, spend time outside the office, and see each other in various roles. Shared experiences from volunteer work contribute to increased mutual trust and a better work atmosphere.

Examples and research

A Deloitte Volunteer Impact study (2011) reveals that Millennials who regularly engage in volunteering show higher levels of work engagement compared to those who rarely or never participate in volunteer activities. This confirms that involvement in community service can significantly enhance employee motivation and engagement.


In an employee-driven market, where attracting and motivating employees becomes increasingly challenging, employee volunteering can be an effective tool. It not only improves employee self-esteem and well-being but also strengthens the company's image and fosters better team relationships. Therefore, it is worth considering the implementation of volunteering programs that will benefit both employees and the organization as a whole.



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