Invest to save

In the face of today's challenges, which force companies to find ways to reduce costs, investments might seem like a luxury. Decisions to cut costs often lead to drastic measures, such as employee layoffs, but there are alternatives.

The Savings Calculator is an innovative tool designed for HR departments that must continuously adapt to changing conditions and provide management with solutions demonstrating real savings. This tool supports not only during tough times but also during periods of stability, when precise cost and efficiency analysis becomes crucial.

Developed in collaboration between Nais and ctrl+HR experts, the Savings Calculator combines Nais's practical experience with ctrl+HR's analytical approach, offering managers and HR specialists specific information and data to support decision-making.

The calculator's algorithm is based on market benchmarks and HR expertise, providing a straightforward analysis of potential savings in four key areas:

  • Time and cost of process handling
  • Employee work time
  • Procurement costs
  • Environmental impact

Users of the calculator can obtain specific results related to savings on administrative and benefit costs within just 20 minutes of analysis.

Why these areas?

Administrative costs encompass a wide range of activities related to process digitization, such as handling HR requests, delivering payroll documents (e.g., RMUA forms) and PITs. With the Nais platform, these processes are automated, yielding savings in both time and costs associated with printing and mailing documents.

Regarding benefit costs, the calculator allows for comparing existing solutions with employees' actual needs and evaluating alternative benefit models, such as “pay per entry.” For instance, innovative solutions in health and sports available on Nais are examples.

The Savings Calculator supports better alignment of benefits with employees' needs and optimal use of modern benefit cafeterias.

This tool is particularly useful for those facing difficult decisions and seeking effective solutions to make better use of budgets. The measure of effectiveness is ROI (return on investment), which clearly shows the real savings for the company.

Using the calculator is free, so it's worth trying it out. Contact us to gain access.



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