Security policy

Ensuring security in all areas of our activity and operations is our highest priority. Due to the nature of our business, we pay special attention to the security of people, information, infrastructure and IT systems.

We undertake to create a comprehensive Management System by:

  • identifying key areas covered by the supervision process and establishing detailed security policies, especially in the areas related to the protection of people and property, information, IT systems, processes and services;
  • creating an appropriate organization focused on security and implementing processes taking into account the requirements specified in the appropriate security policies and adopted standards;
  • ensuring the presence of security specialists and including employees involved in operational activities in the processes;
  • being an advocate for change wherever we conduct operational activities, by building appropriate relationships in order to develop actions aimed at improving security standards;
  • active action in the area of ​​promoting best practices and solutions in the industry;
  • cooperation with our suppliers and subcontractors to raise their security standards;
  • engaging all parties in an open dialogue on the impact of our actions on the continuous improvement of security results;
By demonstrating our commitment to raising security standards in all areas, we show our employees and collaborators that the security of information, IT systems, property and people, including our employees and customers, is particularly important to us.

We oblige all employees and collaborators to apply the developed security standards, in particular area managers to secure technical and organizational measures in order to meet the requirements of the adopted security standards.