Motivation at work: Where to start?

Conducting managerial workshops and training focused on creating and developing teams is a key element in achieving ambitious goals within organizations. Modern approaches to employer branding show that employers are increasingly emphasizing building the company's image right from the recruitment stage. Attention to the content of job advertisements, the recruitment process, welcoming newly hired employees, and their onboarding represents an optimistic start to the collaboration.

Employer branding practices: Optimism and realism

Although initial employer branding activities are important, they are often treated as a final element rather than part of a long-term strategy. Many organizations focus heavily on the recruitment stage but overlook a crucial management aspect: regular and effective communication with employees.

Key elements of effective management: Feedback

Research conducted by IBM revealed three key factors that are most important to young employees born in the 1980s and 1990s:

  • Regular feedback on work
  • Career development discussions
  • Open discussion of ideas

Feedback is important for all age groups, but Generation X is accustomed to annual reviews, while Millennials prefer real-time feedback. The expectation for quick feedback has been reinforced by immediate responses on social media.

Importance of feedback for employee development

Professionally delivered feedback is crucial for:

  • Improving work quality
  • Increasing engagement
  • Developing skills

It helps employees understand their mistakes and shortcomings in a constructive way, without feeling unfairly judged.

Conclusions: Focusing on feedback

Before investing in employer branding campaigns and seeking external solutions for engaging employees, organizations should focus on providing regular feedback. Recognizing and discussing employees' work is a fundamental step in building effective teams and increasing their engagement.



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