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How does the cafeteria system work in Nais?

Our cafeteria system enables effective appreciation and rewarding of employees, contributing to greater engagement and longer loyalty to the company. Our offering includes a wide range of benefits, making it particularly attractive.

What is cafeteria in Nais?

Within Nais, we offer a set of modules and functionalities that can be tailored according to needs. One of the key elements is the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is a tool that allows for efficient management of the Company Social Benefit Fund (ZFŚS) and the operating budget. This system enables effective management of funds, inviting both full-time employees and those in other forms of employment to participate.

How does cafeteria in Nais work?

After the decision to cooperate, employees are invited via email to log into the Nais benefits platform and download the mobile app. This provides quick access to their account, management of funds, and selection of offers available on the Nais marketplace. By funding employees' accounts, employers enable them to use various offers, including the option to add personal funds.

Benefits for the company

By choosing Nais, a company gains:

  • SaaS – The system operates immediately upon implementation.
  • Simple Configuration – Tailored to the company's needs.
  • Constant Development – Regular improvements in functionality (at least once a month).
  • Quick Integration – With the payroll and HR system.
  • Mobile Application – For employees, allowing easy access to benefits.

Benefits for the HR department

Choosing the cafeteria in Nais provides the HR department with:

  • Professional ZFŚS Management – Automation of the ZFŚS and operating budget management process.
  • Automatic Document Flow – All applications and necessary documents in automatic circulation.
  • Administrative Flexibility – Ability to create an unlimited number of administrative accounts.
  • Centralized Benefits – All benefits in one place.
  • Online Reports – Availability of settlement reports online.


The modern cafeteria in Nais is a key element of the benefits system, distinguished by complete automation of processes. This allows the HR department to focus on strategic tasks rather than time-consuming administrative processes. Effective communication about the modern benefits platform contributes to increased employee satisfaction, which is the most valuable asset in today’s world.

