Enhanced Communication and Transparency

Provide a centralized hub for communication, transparency in salaries and benefits, and employee feedback collection to boost engagement and loyalty.

Main Benefits

More effective

Better understanding of employee needs

Greater transparency in compensation and company structure

Spread knowledge among employees with solutions like:

News and Knowledge Base

Combat Information Fragmentation

Offer your employees a single place where your company communicates with them. Provide an easily accessible tool that ensures everyone can reach information about the company or job-specific details.

Common Issues in Companies

  • Information scattered across various tools

  • Overlooking important messages and news

  • Delayed access to key information

  • Lack of structure in storing and sharing information

  • Difficulties in collaborating on content

Our Solutions

  • Centralized communication hub for the entire company

  • Structured publication and management of articles

  • Categorization and access control for information

  • Discussion capabilities on articles

  • Content creation and editing from any device

  • Fast information delivery through a mobile app

Feedback Surveys

Genuine Feedback, No Speculation

Employee feedback is a crucial factor for implementing changes in your company. Obtain quick data through recognized expert surveys.

Common Issues in Companies

  • Lack of reliable data on employee opinions

  • Challenges in measuring employee loyalty and engagement

  • Employee dissatisfaction due to lack of response to their feedback

  • Issues with anonymity and authenticity of survey results

  • Difficulties in tracking progress and changes over time

Our Solutions

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys for assessing employee loyalty

  • Pulse Check surveys for ongoing employee feedback

  • Ensuring anonymity and eliminating survey errors

  • Comparison of results from different survey editions

  • Quick response collection via mobile app

  • Sending reminders to employees who have not completed the survey

Total Rewards

Comprehensive View of Employee Benefits

Foster transparency and openness regarding salaries, retirement contributions, benefits, and other values provided by your company. Ensure employees have easy access to this information via browser or mobile app.

Common Issues in Companies

  • Lack of transparency regarding compensation and benefits

  • Challenges in communicating the complete benefits package

  • Employees’ unawareness of the value of additional benefits

  • Problems integrating data from various HR systems

Our Solutions

  • Presentation of the full compensation picture, including salary, bonuses, and retirement contributions

  • Visualization of benefits’ value, such as medical packages, insurance, and sports cards

  • Attractive comparison of market benefit prices with company-negotiated rates

  • Communication of additional benefits, such as training, company cars, or transit tickets

  • Quick and secure data integration from the current HCM system

  • Combining data from multiple systems, streamlining information flow, and easy data management

How can we help your company?

We deliver proven solutions to challenges faced by modern companies.

Nais: Real Solutions and a Proven Partner

Take a moment to work with us on solving your company's challenges.




+48 601 058 295